r. Edelman is a Forensic Economist located in the Washington DC / Bethesda MD area who provides expert witness testimony in personal
injury, wrongful death, wrongful termination, employment, discrimination,
business valuation, pension valuation and divorce cases. Economic
losses include lost income, fringe benefits, household services, medical
expenses, life care expenses and lost profits. We also perform the
valuation of investments such as pensions, stocks, bonds, small businesses
and structured settlements for divorce, investment management and
churning cases. Work includes both the calculation of damages for
plaintiff cases and the analysis of economic reports for defense cases.
We can arrange supporting expert services in vocational rehabilitation,
and forensic accounting / financial statement reconstruction. See
our detailed services page.
Dr. Edelman has participated
in numerous cases in various Federal and local jurisdictions. He holds
a Doctor of Business Administration Degree from the University of
Maryland (1975) with a concentration in Financial Economics with minor
areas in statistical analysis and accounting theory. He also holds
a M.B.A (1970) and B.S. With High Honors (1968) in Finance from the
University of Maryland. He is currently a Professor Emeritus of Financial
Economics at the American University in Washington, D.C., has served
as the Director of Economic Analysis at Communications Satellite Corporation
and on the faculties of the University of Hawaii and University of
Maryland. Dr. Edelman has published over sixty articles in the area
of financial economics and presented over one hundred papers at professional
conferences. A complete VITA is available.
ur philosophy
is to present conservative and supportable economic analysis based
on both the facts of the case and a reasonable evaluation of the present
and anticipated economic climate.
It is recognized that the selection of
an expert witness is critical to a case and we will be happy to
answer any additional questions you might have.